- Michael Arthur, Dept. of Geosciences (arthur@geosc.psu.edu) paleoceanography; marine biogeochemistry; isotope geochemistry
- Iliana Baum, Dept. of Biology coral reef biology; coral diseases
- Kyle M Becker, Graduate Program in Acoustics (kmbecker@psu.edu) ocean acoustics; geoacoustic inverse problems; effects of ocean variability on sound propagation
- David Bradley, Dept. of Acoustics/ARL (dlb25@psu.edu) underwater acoustics
- Tim Bralower, Dept. of Geosciences (bralower@geosc.psu.edu) paleoceanography; paleoclimatology; nanofossil evolution
- Robert Crane, Dept. of Geography (rqc3@psu.edu) climate and climate change; science diving
- Charles Fisher, Dept. of Biologydeep-sea vent biology; autotrophic symbiosis
- Katherine Freeman, Dept. of Geosciences (kate@essc.psu.edu) marine organic geochemistry; isotope biogeochemistry
- Charles Holland, Acoustics -ARL (holland@psu.edu) acoustical oceanography, remote sensing of marine sediments
- Chris House, Dept. of Geosciences (chouse@geosc.psu.edu) marine microbial diversity and cultivation; microbial paleontology; molecular evolution; astrobiology; geomicrobiology
- Timothy Kane, Electrical Engineering/Meteorology (tjk7@psu.edu) remote sensing, atmospheric and oceanic measurements and modeling, data analysis and interpretation.]
- Klaus Keller, Dept. of Geosciences (kkeller@geosc.psu.edu) marine phytoplankton carbon metabolism; global carbon cycle; abrupt climate change; environmental economics
- Lee Kump, Dept. of Geosciences (lkump@psu.edu) marine biogeochemistry; paleoceanography; global biogeochemical cycles
- Todd LaJeunesse,Dept. of Biology (jlm91@psu.edu) coral symbioses; microbial ecology and evolution; biogeography and biodiversity
- Sukyoung Lee, Dept. of Meteorology (sl@meteo.psu.edu) wind-driven and thermohaline ocean circulation; general circulation of the atmosphere
- Anthony Lyons, Dept. of Acoustics/ARL (apl2@psu.edu) underwater acoustics; high-frequency shallow-water propagation, acoustic interaction with the seafloor, and high-resolution characterization of seafloor sediments
- Jennifer Miksis-Olds, Dept. of Acoustics/ARL (jlm91@psu.edu) marine animal bioacoustics; marine mammal behavior and communication; fisheries acoustics; effects of sound on marine animals
- Ray Najjar, Dept. of Meteorology (najjar@meteo.psu.edu) marine biogeochemical cycles and climate; paleoceanography; numerical modeling
- Demian Saffer Dept. of Geosciences(dsaffer@geosc.psu.edu) fluid flow in subduction zones; sediment mechanics; chemical and heat transport in the crust
- Rudy Slingerland Dept. of Geosciences (sling@geosc.psu.edu) marine and fluvial sedimentology; numerical modeling
- David Stauffer, Dept. of Meteorology (drs8@psu.edu) mesoscale modeling